Package codesimian.mp3decoder

Interface Summary
BitstreamErrors This interface describes all error codes that can be thrown in BistreamExceptions.
Control Work in progress.
DecoderErrors This interface provides constants describing the error codes used by the Decoder to indicate errors.
FrameDecoder Implementations of FrameDecoder are responsible for decoding an MPEG audio frame.
JavaLayerErrors Exception erorr codes for components of the JavaLayer API.
JavaLayerHook The JavaLayerHooks class allows developers to change the way the JavaLayer library uses Resources.
Source Work in progress.

Class Summary
Bitstream The Bistream class is responsible for parsing an MPEG audio bitstream.
Crc16 16-Bit CRC checksum
Decoder The Decoder class encapsulates the details of decoding an MPEG audio frame.
Decoder.Params The Params class presents the customizable aspects of the decoder.
Equalizer The Equalizer class can be used to specify equalization settings for the MPEG audio decoder.
Header Class for extracting information from a frame header.
InputStreamSource Work In Progress. An instance of InputStreamSource implements a Source that provides data from an InputStream .
JavaLayerUtils The JavaLayerUtils class is not strictly part of the JavaLayer API.
Manager Work in progress.
Obuffer Base Class for audio output.
OutputChannels A Type-safe representation of the the supported output channel constants.
SampleBuffer The SampleBuffer class implements an output buffer that provides storage for a fixed size block of samples.

Exception Summary
BitstreamException Instances of BitstreamException are thrown when operations on a Bitstream fail.
DecoderException The DecoderException represents the class of errors that can occur when decoding MPEG audio.
JavaLayerException The JavaLayerException is the base class for all API-level exceptions thrown by JavaLayer.

Error Summary
JavaLayerError Work in progress.