Class Static

  extended by codesimian.Static

public class Static
extends java.lang.Object

Static functions used in various subclasses of CS. CS should be as simple as possible, so these functions were moved from CS to Static. Many of them should be moved to whatever class they are most relevant to.

Nested Class Summary
static class Static.AddDefaultCommand
          wrapper for CSFactory.add(CS)
static class Static.DefaultCommands
          wrapper for Static.defaultListOfCSs()
static class Static.DefaultExec
          1/06 this is not the default exec anymore.
static class Static.DefaultList
static class Static.DefaultStack
static class Static.SingletonList
Field Summary
static java.lang.Number defaultMaxExecAdd
static java.lang.Number defaultMaxLoops
static java.lang.String optionsFileName
static StackNeverEmpty<CS> optionsStack
          A stack of CS's.
static boolean pPrints
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static CS arrayToCS(java.lang.Object array)
          converts any type of array to a CS, using objectToCS to interpret individual Objects
static CS[] boundedGraphSet(CS root, java.util.Set<CS> dontTraversePastThese, boolean returnBounds)
          Same as graphSet, except will not traverse past a given set of CSs.
static CS collectionToCS(java.util.Collection c)
static boolean copyOptions(CS from, CS to)
          copies one CS's options to an other CS.
static CS deepCopyExcept(CS root, CS doNotCopyThese)
          same as deepCopy(CS[]) but does not copy any of the CSs in doNotCopyThese (a list of CSs) or past them.
static CS defaultCompiler()
          note: the same type of compiler (with keyword "compile") exists in defaultListOfCSs()
static java.lang.String defaultKeywordForClass(java.lang.Class c)
static CS defaultListOfCSs()
          everything CodeSimian language includes before typing any code, like +(0 0), *(0 0), /(0 0), list(), sound(0), window(0), etc.
static CS defaultStack()
static java.lang.String[] defaultVarNames()
          returns the default variable names that can be used with CS.L(String) and CS.setL(String,Object);
static java.lang.Class[] defaultVarTypes()
          returns the Class types of the variables whose names are returned by defaultVarNames.
static java.lang.String detailString(CS describeMe)
          a longer string about this CS
static boolean doubleToBoolean(double d)
          Returns true if 0.0 < d, else false.
static byte doubleToByte(double d)
static char doubleToChar(double d)
          Wraps d around char range 0 - 127 (inclusive) and rounds; return (char) Math.round(wrapRange(-.5, d, 127.5));
static int doubleToInt(double d)
          If d is in int range, returns d rounded to int.
static int doubleToIntRange(int min, double d, int max)
          The standard way to convert doubles to ints.
static int doubleToIntRangeFasterIfInRange(int min, double d, int max)
          like doubleToIntRange() except more efficient if d is already in range (just return d).
static long doubleToLong(double d)
          If d is in long range, returns d rounded to long.
static short doubleToShort(double d)
static void err(java.lang.String errorText)
static CS getCopyOfOption(java.lang.String optionName)
static CS getCopyOfOptions()
static CS getDefaultType()
          This fuzzy-type always answers TRUE - everything is that type.
static CS[] graphSet(CS root)
          Returns an unordered array containing each CS in the parameter graph exactly once.
static float minValueMax(float min, float value, float max)
          returns value if its between min and max, else returns min or max
static java.lang.String nextName()
           CodeSimian allows the same CS to be in the string code multiple times.
static CS objectToCS(java.lang.Object convertMeToCS)
          Converts an Object to a CS by wrapping.
static void p(java.lang.String println)
static int paramIndex(CS[] array, CS findMe)
          returns the index or -1 if not found
static CS peekOptions()
          All new CSs should set their options to the same options as I have.
For example: Num n = new Num(3.7); n.setRoot( CS.peekOptions().getRoot() );
But you do not have to do that, because setOptions() should do it automatically (not implemented yet 5/05).
static CS popOptions()
static java.lang.String propertiesString(CS c)
          Returns a String representing the variables: outputToStack, inputFromStack, and myFuel.
static boolean pushOptions(CS pushMe)
static boolean setDefaultType(CS dt)
static CS[] setOfDuplicatesInGraph(CS root)
          like graphSet(), but only returns the CSs that have 2 or more parents - duplicates.
static CS staticCompile(java.lang.String code)
          if you want to compile something but are confused, try this.
static java.lang.String toStringG(CS root, java.util.HashSet h)
          Recursively builds a String from the GRAPH of CS parameters, using each CS exactly once.
static java.lang.String toStringLimitDepth(CS currentCS, java.util.HashSet noDuplicates, int maxDepth)
          like toStringG(HashSet) except limits depth.
static java.lang.String toStringLimitDepth(CS root, int maxDepth)
          depth-first traversal of the param graph, with limited depth.
static java.lang.String toStringOne(CS c)
          this 1 CS, no paranthesis, possibly with modifiers.
Example: +$3#nameOfThisPlus
toString() might have returned (for that same example): +$3#nameOfThisPlus(1 2$7 *(3 4))
static java.lang.String toStringSafe(CS c)
          minimum info about this CS.
static double wrapRange(double min, double wrapMe, double max)
          Wraps a double around a range.
static float wrapRange(float min, float wrapMe, float max)
static double wrapRangeFasterIfInRange(double min, double wrapMe, double max)
          Checks if wrapMe is in range, and returns wrapMe if so, else returns wrapRange(min,wrapMe,max).
static double wrapRangeInclusive(double min, double wrapMe, double max)
          never converts min to max or max to min
static float wrapRangeInclusive(float min, float wrapMe, float max)
          never converts min to max or max to min
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String optionsFileName


public static final int ALWAYS_CALCULATE
If myFuel == ALWAYS_CALCULATE (default), and Options.costAvailable is big enough, D() always calculates DForProxy() instead of returning the previous value. If not, returns the previous value, or 0 if this is the first value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static java.lang.Number defaultMaxExecAdd


public static java.lang.Number defaultMaxLoops


public static StackNeverEmpty<CS> optionsStack
A stack of CS's. When a new CS is instantiated, it should copy the options of the CS on top of this stack.

See Also:
pushOptions(), peekOptions(), popOptions()


public static boolean pPrints
Constructor Detail


public Static()
Method Detail


public static CS getCopyOfOptions()


public static CS getCopyOfOption(java.lang.String optionName)


public static CS defaultListOfCSs()
everything CodeSimian language includes before typing any code, like +(0 0), *(0 0), /(0 0), list(), sound(0), window(0), etc.

Modifying the returned list changes things GLOBALLY because there is only 1 list. Make a copy if you want to change it locally.

Currently copies the list in CSFactory then returns that same list forever.


public static java.lang.String[] defaultVarNames()
returns the default variable names that can be used with CS.L(String) and CS.setL(String,Object);


public static java.lang.Class[] defaultVarTypes()
returns the Class types of the variables whose names are returned by defaultVarNames. The indexs are the same. Example: if defaultVarNames()[1] is "cost", then defaultVarTypes()[1] is Double.class; double.class cant be returned by CS.L(String) because its primitive so use Double.class instead.


public static CS defaultCompiler()
note: the same type of compiler (with keyword "compile") exists in defaultListOfCSs()


public static CS getDefaultType()
This fuzzy-type always answers TRUE - everything is that type. This is slow because it makes a copy() of defaultParamType. Thats necessary because its mutable.


public static boolean setDefaultType(CS dt)


public static CS defaultStack()


public static final byte doubleToByte(double d)


public static final short doubleToShort(double d)


public static final int doubleToInt(double d)
If d is in int range, returns d rounded to int. Else wraps d around int range and rounds.


public static final long doubleToLong(double d)
If d is in long range, returns d rounded to long. Else wraps d around long range and rounds.


public static final int doubleToIntRange(int min,
                                         double d,
                                         int max)
The standard way to convert doubles to ints. Wraps d around range: min to max+1. Then rounds down.


public static final int doubleToIntRangeFasterIfInRange(int min,
                                                        double d,
                                                        int max)
like doubleToIntRange() except more efficient if d is already in range (just return d). Slower if not already in range.


public static final boolean doubleToBoolean(double d)
Returns true if 0.0 < d, else false.


public static final char doubleToChar(double d)
Wraps d around char range 0 - 127 (inclusive) and rounds; return (char) Math.round(wrapRange(-.5, d, 127.5));


public static CS deepCopyExcept(CS root,
                                CS doNotCopyThese)
same as deepCopy(CS[]) but does not copy any of the CSs in doNotCopyThese (a list of CSs) or past them. Instead, sometimes the same CSs are in the original network and the copied network and in doNotCopyThese.

For efficiency, use doNotCopyThese.indexP(anyCS) to determine if anyCS is in doNotCopyThese.

FIXME: change doNotCopyThese to be a Set instead of CS, and add ability to convert to Set in DefaultCS.L(Class) and .L(int,Class,int).


public static int paramIndex(CS[] array,
                             CS findMe)
returns the index or -1 if not found


public static boolean copyOptions(CS from,
                                  CS to)
copies one CS's options to an other CS. Options include getExec(), myFuel(), and fuel(). Thats not all the options. This function will have to be fixed by adding more options later... These things are usually not copied by newInstance().


public static double wrapRangeInclusive(double min,
                                        double wrapMe,
                                        double max)
never converts min to max or max to min


public static float wrapRangeInclusive(float min,
                                       float wrapMe,
                                       float max)
never converts min to max or max to min


public static double wrapRange(double min,
                               double wrapMe,
                               double max)
Wraps a double around a range. Example: 22 wrapped around 5-10 = 7. -1 wrapped = 9. 0 wrapped = 5. -.1 wrapped = 9.9. Never returns max. Min and max occupy the same point on the specified number-circle. Would return min instead.
If min <= wrapMe < max, returns wrapMe.

An other example: //returns 2
0.0/3.0 <-- returns 0.0 if wrapMe == 6.0
2.0 <-- returns 2.0 if wrapMe == 5.0
1.0 <-- returns 1.0 if wrapMe == 4.0
0.0/3.0 <-- max = 3.0
0.0/3.0 <-- min = 0.0
2.0 <-- returns 2.0 if wrapMe == -4.0
1.0 <-- returns 1.0 if wrapMe == -5.0
0.0/3.0 <-- returns 0.0 if wrapMe == -6.0


public static float wrapRange(float min,
                              float wrapMe,
                              float max)


public static double wrapRangeFasterIfInRange(double min,
                                              double wrapMe,
                                              double max)
Checks if wrapMe is in range, and returns wrapMe if so, else returns wrapRange(min,wrapMe,max). This function is faster than wrapRange() when wrapMe is already in range, slower if not.


public static CS[] graphSet(CS root)
Returns an unordered array containing each CS in the parameter graph exactly once. Graph edges are parameters. bigO(total number of parameters). Starts the search at 'root'.


public static CS[] setOfDuplicatesInGraph(CS root)
like graphSet(), but only returns the CSs that have 2 or more parents - duplicates.


public static CS[] boundedGraphSet(CS root,
                                   java.util.Set<CS> dontTraversePastThese,
                                   boolean returnBounds)
Same as graphSet, except will not traverse past a given set of CSs. ReturnBounds determines if the bounding set (the parts of it found from traversing) is returned. Only Set.contains() is used, so HashSet is fast, but an array or list is slow.


public static CS staticCompile(java.lang.String code)
if you want to compile something but are confused, try this. staticCompile uses default CodeSimian compiling options for the parameter 'code'.

THIS FUNCTION SHOULD BE RENAMED TO Static.defaultCompile(String)


public static boolean pushOptions(CS pushMe)
See Also:


public static CS popOptions()
See Also:


public static CS peekOptions()
All new CSs should set their options to the same options as I have.
For example: Num n = new Num(3.7); n.setRoot( CS.peekOptions().getRoot() );
But you do not have to do that, because setOptions() should do it automatically (not implemented yet 5/05).

See Also:


public static java.lang.String propertiesString(CS c)
Returns a String representing the variables: outputToStack, inputFromStack, and myFuel. Should be part of the CodeSimian string language (1/05 not yet implemented).


public static java.lang.String toStringOne(CS c)
this 1 CS, no paranthesis, possibly with modifiers.
Example: +$3#nameOfThisPlus
toString() might have returned (for that same example): +$3#nameOfThisPlus(1 2$7 *(3 4))


public static CS objectToCS(java.lang.Object convertMeToCS)
Converts an Object to a CS by wrapping. This function is the temporary root of a group of functions for converting various Object types to CS. It will later be moved to a new subclass of CS, which will access it with setL(Object).


public static CS collectionToCS(java.util.Collection c)


public static CS arrayToCS(java.lang.Object array)
converts any type of array to a CS, using objectToCS to interpret individual Objects


public static java.lang.String detailString(CS describeMe)
a longer string about this CS


public static java.lang.String toStringSafe(CS c)
minimum info about this CS. Assumes the quantity of params could be out of valid range, or other errors could have occured or could be caused easily. Ends recursion at its childs, 1 level down, with less info about them. Not valid code.


public static void err(java.lang.String errorText)
abbrev. for: throw new Error(errorText)


public static void p(java.lang.String println)


public static java.lang.String toStringLimitDepth(CS root,
                                                  int maxDepth)
depth-first traversal of the param graph, with limited depth. Example, maxDepth==1 uses only this CS and its childs.


public static java.lang.String toStringLimitDepth(CS currentCS,
                                                  java.util.HashSet noDuplicates,
                                                  int maxDepth)
like toStringG(HashSet) except limits depth. The returned String is usually not valid CodeSimian code, because of the limited depth.

currentCS - was added when this function was moved from CS to Static.


public static java.lang.String nextName()
                CodeSimian allows the same CS to be in the string code multiple times.
                Any CS in the code more than once must have a name (name()),
                but name() often returns null for anonymous.
                This function returns the name you should give this CS if that name
                is not a duplicate of some other name you're using.

                Example: +#adder(2 *#mul(3 4.5) mul adder 6 /#div(7 8) adder div)
                Then if you called setName(null) on that + and *, but not the /,
                the +'s decompile() should return something like...
                +#n20(2 *#n21(3 4.5) n21 n20 6 /#div(7 8) n20 div)


public static java.lang.String toStringG(CS root,
                                         java.util.HashSet h)
Recursively builds a String from the GRAPH of CS parameters, using each CS exactly once. Adds CSs to the HashSet when it gets their Strings, and doesnt use any already in the HashSet. "@"+keyword() is put in the String for CSs that have already been traversed in depth-first order, instead of infinitely traversing them again.


public static float minValueMax(float min,
                                float value,
                                float max)
returns value if its between min and max, else returns min or max


public static java.lang.String defaultKeywordForClass(java.lang.Class c)