Interface SlowMP3.DecompressMP3Listener

Enclosing class:

public static interface SlowMP3.DecompressMP3Listener

this interface should be merged with Files.DownloadListener or at least share a superinterface

Method Summary
 void println(java.lang.String message)
 boolean update(short[] decompressedSoFar)
          returns true if the decompression should continue, false if it should stop.

Method Detail


boolean update(short[] decompressedSoFar)
returns true if the decompression should continue, false if it should stop. Automatically stops when the decompression is done, but you might want to stop it when memory limits are about to be exceeded. MP3s get 10x bigger when decompressed, so a normal mp3 is 50 megabytes decompressed.


void println(java.lang.String message)