Interface MemoryHog
public interface MemoryHog
a HOG of MEMORY, like a list of prime numbers.
Describes and provides access to the approximate quantity of bytes of an object that implements MemoryHog.
There are 3 categories and 2 subcategories of each...
LEAST, CURRENT, and MOST define 3 points on a continuous scale to measure quantity of bytes on.
AVERAGE and STANDARD DEVIATION define a bell-curve statistics
distribution of possible numbers for each of LEAST, CURRENT, and MOST.
double aveLeastBytes()
double stdDevLeastBytes()
double aveCurrentBytes()
double stdDevCurrentBytes()
double aveMostBytes()
double stdDevMostBytes()
boolean useMoreOrLessMemory(double aveBytes,
double maxStdDevBytes,
Liquid liq)
throws NeedLiquid
- Returns true if changes the approximate quantity of bytes of memory this object uses.
If aveBytes and stdDevBytes cant be approximately satisfied, returns false.
This MemoryHog may have a 'stdDevBytes' less than the parameter maxStdDevBytes, but not greater than it.
For example, if this object is a list of prime numbers, using more memory
would generate higher prime numbers and add them, in order, at the end of the list.
To get close to this MemoryHog's memory limits,
call this function multiple times (best if in a binary search pattern).
- Throws: