Class CharIsInWhichString

  extended by codesimian.CS<CSGeneric>
      extended by codesimian.DefaultCS
          extended by codesimian.CharIsInWhichString
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CharIsInWhichString
extends DefaultCS

example: charIsInWhichString(PC('x' 0) '1234' 'qwer' 'asdf' 'zxcv') returns 3 because 'zxcv' is the 4th string and it starts at 0 (at index 1 in this CharIsInWhichString).

Returns -1 if char not found in any of the strings. Returns 0 if found in first String, 1 if found in second, 2 third...

This is useful for mapping keys on arbitrary keyboards to a grid of any number of dimensions, but 2 is probably best since keyboards are 2D on their typing surface.


This class could be optimized to not search but jump immediately to the correct index, but that would require that the strings are not observed to change...

...or can only change on a refresh? What causes the refresh? It cant be executing this CS because that returns the string index the char is found in. That would require refreshing every key looked up, not any faster. Maybe the solution should be an inner subclass that reads the strings only on its first execution.

Nested Class Summary
static class CharIsInWhichString.Final
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class codesimian.CS
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 double DForProxy()
          Execute this CS and cast to double.
 java.lang.String keyword()
          For the CodeSimian language as a String.
CodeSimian language keyword, like "+" "*" "max" ">" etc.

Override this function if you want to specify a keyword other than how I derive them from the class name, like + for Add.

Some CSs might never be intended to be used in the language by their keyword.
The best example (4/05) is Num, because it is used in the language like "3.4" instead of "num()".
 int maxP()
          Maximum quantity of Params
 int minP()
          3 because there is no choice of string if less
Methods inherited from class codesimian.DefaultCS
B, C, countP, decrementMyFuel, deleteP, description, F, fuel, getExec, getObject, heap, I, indexP, indexPName, insertB, insertC, insertD, insertF, insertI, insertJ, insertL, insertL, insertL1, insertP, insertS, insertZ, J, javaCode, LForProxy, LForProxy, myFuel, name, newInstance, objectToCS, objectToCSArray, objectToCSArray, P, prevD, prevL, PType, S, setB, setC, setCountP, setD, setD, setExec, setF, setFuel, setI, setJ, setL, setL, setL, setL1, setMyFuel, setName, setObject, setP, setPrevExec, setPType, setS, setZ, start, toString, V, Z
Methods inherited from class codesimian.CS
addB, addC, addD, addF, addI, addJ, addL, addP, addP, addP, addP, addP, addS, addZ, BForProxy, CForProxy, clone, cost, D, deleteP, FForProxy, GETB, GETC, GETD, GETF, GETI, GETJ, GETL, GETS, GETZ, IForProxy, isIllusion, JForProxy, L, L, L, L, L, maxD, minD, overwrites, parent, parsePriority, PB, PC, PD, PF, PI, PJ, PL, prevB, prevC, prevF, prevI, prevJ, prevS, prevZ, proxyOf, PS, PZ, reflect, reflect, reflect6, setB, SETB, setC, SETC, setCost, SETD, setDescription, setF, SETF, setHeap, setI, SETI, setJ, SETJ, SETL, setL, setL, setParent, setParsePriority, setProxyOf, setS, SETS, setTester, setZ, SETZ, SForProxy, tester, toJavaCode, VForProxy, voidReflect, ZForProxy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CharIsInWhichString()
Method Detail


public int minP()
3 because there is no choice of string if less

minP in class DefaultCS


public int maxP()
Description copied from class: CS
Maximum quantity of Params

maxP in class CS


public double DForProxy()
Description copied from class: CS
Execute this CS and cast to double.

D() and DForProxy() are the 2 most important functions in CS. They execute this CS. All other execute functions, by default, return DForProxy cast to their own type.

For example, J() calls the proxy which calls JForProxy() which calls DForProxy(). D() calls the proxy which calls DForProxy().

By default, all other primitive EXECUTE functions defer to D.
Functions that EXECUTE this CS: L(Class) L(int,Class,int) Z() B() C() S() I() J() F() D() V()

Specified by:
DForProxy in class DefaultCS


public java.lang.String keyword()
Description copied from class: DefaultCS
For the CodeSimian language as a String.
CodeSimian language keyword, like "+" "*" "max" ">" etc.

Override this function if you want to specify a keyword other than how I derive them from the class name, like + for Add.

Some CSs might never be intended to be used in the language by their keyword.
The best example (4/05) is Num, because it is used in the language like "3.4" instead of "num()".
Default: Returns class name, minus package name (and its dots), and change the first letter to lowercase.

For example, CS.MaxParams does not override keyword(), which returns "maxP".

keyword in class DefaultCS
See Also:
CS.parent(), CS.newInstance(),