Class CSFactory

  extended by codesimian.CSFactory

public class CSFactory
extends java.lang.Object

Contains all the standard subclasses of CS.

TODO: CSFactory should be replaced by CS.newInstance()

CSFactory needs to become a subclass of SimpleList. It should be a list of default code objects. Call newInstance() on those code objects to create a new object of that type.

Field Summary
static java.lang.Class[] classes
static java.util.Map classToString
          error: can have more keyword() Strings than CLASSES!!!
static CSFactory defaultFactory
          The default CSFactory.
static java.lang.String[] name
static java.util.Map stringToClass
          big-O(1) time to get Class from CS String, or the reverse.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,CS> stringToCS
          Key is the String returned by the CS's keyword().
static CS[] trees
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void add(CS newClass)
          Adds a new subclass of CS that can be instantiated by newCS().
static void addDefaultClasses()
static int classCount()
static java.lang.Class CSClass(java.lang.String CSName)
static java.lang.String CSName(java.lang.Class CSClass)
          error: can have more keyword() Strings than CLASSES!!!
static CS hardCodedNewInstance(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)
static void init()
static CS newCS(int index)
          returns a new instance of a subclass of CS.
static CS newInstance(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)
          Returns a new instance of the type of CS with specified CS.keyword(): instanceOfWhat.
static boolean newInstanceWouldWork(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)
          Returns true if newInstance(instanceOfWhat) would return what you asked for, instead of an Err (unless you asked for an Err).
static CSFactory popFactory()
          Pops a CSFactory off the stack and returns it.
static void pushFactory(CSFactory pushMe)
          Pushes pushMe onto the CSFactory stack
 int stackSize()
static CSFactory topFactory()
          Returns the top CSFactory or null if none are on the stack
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static CS[] trees


public static java.lang.Class[] classes


public static java.lang.String[] name


public static java.util.Map stringToClass
big-O(1) time to get Class from CS String, or the reverse. Example keys of stringToClass (CS Strings): "add" "divide" "sin" stringToClass.get("add") returns a Class Object. Call newInstance() on the class to get the CS.


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,CS> stringToCS
Key is the String returned by the CS's keyword(). Value is that CS.

This should eventually replace stringToClass because each instance of that class might have multiple Strings returned from keyword().

Example: Layout contains any type of LayoutManager, therefore needs a different name for each.


public static java.util.Map classToString
error: can have more keyword() Strings than CLASSES!!!


public static CSFactory defaultFactory
The default CSFactory. Contains many default CSs.

Constructor Detail


public CSFactory()
Method Detail


public static CS newInstance(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)
Returns a new instance of the type of CS with specified CS.keyword(): instanceOfWhat. Calls newInstance() on one of the CSs that was added with add(CS).


public static final CS hardCodedNewInstance(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)

Try to avoid using this function because all instantiations should instead be based on DYNAMIC names. This is a hack. For lack of a better way to do it right now, I've hard-coded the reflected symbols in CodeSimian language, including these symbols: # ( ) ;# ;( ;) ;;# ;;( ;;) ;;;#...
Those symbols are hard to include in CSFactory the normal way because each symbol varies its keyword() (has more or less ;s) by the value of that object at the time.

a new instance of some CS, or null if none exists with that name


public static boolean newInstanceWouldWork(java.lang.String instanceOfWhat)
Returns true if newInstance(instanceOfWhat) would return what you asked for, instead of an Err (unless you asked for an Err).


public static void addDefaultClasses()


public static CSFactory topFactory()
Returns the top CSFactory or null if none are on the stack


public static void pushFactory(CSFactory pushMe)
Pushes pushMe onto the CSFactory stack


public int stackSize()


public static CSFactory popFactory()
Pops a CSFactory off the stack and returns it. Returns null if the stack is empty.


public static final java.lang.Class CSClass(java.lang.String CSName)


public static final java.lang.String CSName(java.lang.Class CSClass)
error: can have more keyword() Strings than CLASSES!!!


public static final int classCount()


public static void init()


public static CS newCS(int index)
returns a new instance of a subclass of CS. index is the order the class was added


public static void add(CS newClass)
Adds a new subclass of CS that can be instantiated by newCS(). If newClass or CSName already exists in CSFactory, neither will be added. Name is the command used to convert a string to a tree of CSs. Name can not contain: whitespace ( ) # $